This week we were asked to work with contour line drawings. The first task was to tear our newprint paper into quarters and using a marker or brush and ink. We then had to use these mediums to draw a still life object. I chose my favorite tea pot. I liked the way the ink and brush flowed on the paper. I didn't like using the marker as much although I cold put more detail into the drawing. Not detail in general but more finite details.
This was a very good primer for the rest of our project. The next step was to take a #2 pencil and draw the still life as a slow contour, quick contour and a cross contour. We then also had to draw a general contour line. Here is the still life setting I used to draw each of these drawings. Here is an example of a quick contour line drawing. I really didn't like using the pencil as much as the other materials we have used in the past.
Here is an example of a contour line drawing. Less detail and hard to see sorry!
Here is an example of slow contour line drawing. I hate the way the teapot looks. But honestly I did focus on the lines as oppossed to how the drawing is looking.
Here is an example of my cross contour line. I really struggled with this part of the project. The concept was difficult for me and it challenged me over and over again how to best portray the picture as accurately as possible. This was the best one out of the bunch of cross contours I did. I got lost in this procedure.
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